By Barbara Baum Levine
Dear “Pro-Lifer”:
Consider carefully what “pro-life” actually means and whether YOU actually fit its description:
People who are pro-life do not support forcibly separating children from their parents and imprisoning them in unspeakable conditions, all because their parents were seeking a safe and better life for them.
People who are pro-life do not condone the death penalty–killing prisoners who may have in fact been wrongfully convicted or unable to truly appreciate the gravity of their actions.
People who are pro-life believe that everyone should be paid a living wage so that they can provide their families with food and shelter.
People who are pro-life believe that everyone should have access to affordable medical care.
People who are pro-life believe that everyone should have access to affordable housing.
People who are pro-life favor sensible gun regulations because in its absence, guns kill life.
People who are pro-life believe that families should have access to free pre-K education for their children, so that those children have a safe place to learn and an opportunity to better their lives through education.
People who are pro-life believe in an end to racism, in justice equally applied to all, and a re-evaluation of the culture and standards of police forces.
People who are pro-life believe that every citizen should have the right to vote and that voting should be made as accessible as possible.
People who are pro-life understand that if the changes listed above come to pass, far fewer women may be left in a position where their only option is to terminate a pregnancy.
People who are pro-life understand that sometimes there is no option but to terminate a pregnancy and that every woman should be accorded the respect and the opportunity to make that most difficult of decisions for herself.
In short, being pro-life means being pro-quality of life, not just the fact of life. It means caring about people after they are born as much as before.
In short, being pro-life means being pro-quality of life, not just the fact of life. It means caring about people after they are born as much as before.
That is what being PRO-LIFE actually means! Do your views fit?
On the other hand, pro-choice does not mean advocacy for abortion. It simply means that everyone should be able to choose the life that is best for them. If we really want to help people avoid the heartbreaking choice of terminating a pregnancy, then we need to make sure that everyone in this country has an opportunity to live a life free from hunger and fear. We need to make sure that sexual predators know that they will be punished severely, no matter who they are. We need to make contraceptives available to all who want them, rather than judging sexual activity and punishing young people for it. We need to respect one another and not seek to impose our personal religious beliefs upon other citizens whose beliefs may differ. This is what freedom is all about.
What do YOU really believe?
Categories: Health Care, Issues, Local, National, wealth inequality
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