Eating their Own: Gunfight at the Waples Mill Corral

Related imageA gunfight at the Waples Mill Corral, a/k/a the National Rifle Association, has resulted in an unknown number of wounded individuals in recent days, none related to the Hatfields or McCoys, although the brouhaha had the earmarks of a deadly family feud.

While details about and causes of the dispute remain a bit opaque, it is known that last month, the gang headed by Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the NRA, filed a lawsuit against Ackerman McQueen, the organization’s communications and messaging agent. Ackerman is the producer of NRATV, a prime vehicle for NRA advocacy. [See All in the Family: Spy vs. Spy at the NRA, VoxFairfax, April 22, 2019;].

Oliver North (of Reagan/Iran-Contra renown) was named the NRA president just a year ago, and was set for reelection by the NRA board on Monday, April 29, following its annual meeting in Indianapolis where President Trump addressed the group. LaPierre’s lawsuit alleged that North was under contract to Ackerman, a deal alleged to net him millions of dollars. Further, according to court documents, Ackerman refused or was slow walking an NRA request for financial information related to the North agreement.

On Thursday in Indianapolis, LaPierre released a letter to the NRA board, stating that North was blackmailing him by threatening to release damaging allegations about sexual harassment and financial skullduggery by LaPierre, including purchases of $200,000 worth of clothing. On Saturday, North released another letter, advising the leadership that he had been “informed” that he was not to present himself for reelection.

On balance, it appears that the LaPierre firearms were more accurate, inflicting near mortal, crippling wounds on the North faction. The high regard in which the NRA is held both nationally and in Fairfax is expected to survive this painful, traumatic incident. However, it is rumored that it may be many years before the NRA recovers from a significant loss of membership as it also weathers legal storms from a number of states concerning its finances. Sympathizers in Fairfax are said to be organizing a support group for North to counter one in formation for LaPierre. Spokesmen for the NRA refused to comment on other rumors about a Fox Entertainment bid for a TV series. No further details were available at the time VoxFairfax went to press.

Categories: gun control, Issues, Local, National, State

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2 replies

  1. “Thoughts and prayers” offered with my full sincerity – similar to those that the NRA usually offers after gun mayhem.

    • Your sentiments ae highly civilized toward an organization and cast of characters who, in the view of others, do not merit either charity or civility. We laud your intentions. and religiosity.

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